Our Team

Small company, great experience

David Sayre Dayton

Chairman and Treasurer
Dave Dayton (BSEE, MBA) is an electrical engineer currently specializing in microgrid technologies. He founded CESI in 2000, following several years as a senior consultant…
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Steve Morgan

Mr. Morgan, President of CESI, spearheads the development and implementation of energy efficiency programs in collaboration with local communities such as Cambridge, Cincinnati, and Charlottesville.…
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Carol Carver

Director of Administration
Carol manages accounting and human resources, including implementation of policies and procedures and benefits administration, and provides direct support to the senior  management. She also…
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John Clune

Senior Project Manager
Mr. Clune has been a Senior Project Manager with CESI since 2011. He is an expert i the performance and applicability of energy conservation measures.…
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Abigail Despres

Project Manager
Abigail Despres is a project manager specializing in microgrid development, community engagement, and environmental justice. She has a Bachelor in Political Science from the University…
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Our Board

Steve Morgan
David Dayton,
Chairman and Treasurer
Carol Carver
Andy Griffiths
Paul Gromer

Our Partners

We work with a network of experts throughout various stages of the project. CESI is a founder and the technical lead of the Resilient Urban Neighborhoods-Green Justice Coalition (RUN-GJC) Team. The RUN-GJC team has provided technical and community support to the neighborhood microgrids in Chinatown and Chelsea since their beginning and recently won the Partnership of the Year award from the Northeast Clean Energy Council ( NECEC) for this work.

Peregrine Energy Group

CESI shares staff and office space in Boston with Peregrine. Our companies frequently collaborate on innovations around Community Choice Aggregation, community microgrids, and energy regulatory matters. Peregrine’s president Paul Gromer is on CESI’s Board.

Urban Ingenuity and Working Power LLC

CESI works closely with Urban Ingenuity (UI) and their subsidiary, Working Power, on PACE financing, community solar development, and other innovations focused on getting energy ownership in the hands of low-income residents and EJ organizations. Two of UI’s principals are former project managers at CESI.


CESI is the engineering lead and a founding member of the RUN-GJC team, formed in 2017 to combine neighborhood EJ insights with technical expertise. Besides CESI and Peregrine, this team includes Community Labor United, Climable.org and Synapse Energy Economics in Cambridge, Prof. Carols Rufin of Suffolk University Law School, Chinatown Power Inc., GreenRoots in Chelsea, and Alex Papali at the Center for Economic Democracy.